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We are currently updating our stock holding, removing out of stock and deleted titles from the site.

This is a complicated action with different labels requiring different actions.

The first label we will be updateing is Music on Vinyl.  We will be making all MOV product inactive and then checking them against our stock holding and the MOV list of active titles.  All titles with zero stock will be deleted and titles with stock will be made active.

We estimate this will take about a week.  We will confirm when the update has finished.

Music on Vinyl New releases and preorders should be available to order durring this time.

E Mails. We have had a problem with Emails with a lot of our replies going into the receivers Junk/Spam folder.  Please check there.

Finally...Beware SCAMS....if you get a mail from the Royal Mail or DPD telling you a parcel from What Records is delayed and there is a payment to be made to release it...THIS IS A SCAM.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CLICK ON A LINK OR GIVE THEM YOUR CARD DETAILS...  DELETED THE MAIL.

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