Release Date: 09 June 2014
Format: LP Vinyl
WIFE What's Between Limited Vinyl LP
· To many, ‘What’s Between’ will be viewed simply as the
debut solo album by Irish singer songwriter James Kelly
aka WIFE but to fans of the critically acclaimed metal band
Altar Of Plagues this album marks the return of a much
admired talent.
· As front man in Altar Of Plagues, James Kelly was lauded
as being partly responsible for creating some of the most
innovative music to emerge out of the metal scene in recent years. After the release of their third album, which many viewed as a creative high point, they surprised everyone and disbanded soon afterwards. This decision was partially due to Kelly feeling the band had gone as far as they could but also because of a burning desire he’d developed to make a very different kind of record leading to the creation of WIFE.
· ‘What’s Between’ is a disorientating and splintered pop
record that finds light and dark at constant odds with one
another, industrial tones and throbbing techno beats clashing with elegiac pastoral atmospherics. Even on seemingly lighter moments the lyrics often betray their sunnier surroundings.
· Produced with The Haxan Cloak, who released ‘Excavation’
(one of last year’s most acclaimed and extreme electronic
albums) and cult hero Roly Porter, ‘What’s Between’ is a
highly ambitious solo debut by an artist boldly navigating
outside of their comfort zone.
Featured Tracks:
1. Like Chrome
2. Tongue
3. Heart Is a Far Light
4. Salvage
5. Dans Ce
6. A Nature (Shards)
7. Living Joy
8. Fruit Tree
9. Further Not Better